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Women of Worth

Sherri Weeks

Updated: Jun 23, 2020

March 23, 2017

WOW! Yes it's a pun....LOL. I can't believe how much is happening all at once but life is like that sometimes. It can be feast or famine. As I finished my newest study book Grace on Fire, God hit me with this Women of Worth Conference and Mentoring Program.

Here's the vision: To provide a “safe place” for women to be encouraged, to grow spiritually and in their gifting, through a one-on-one mentorship program. Individuals will be paired with experienced spiritual and technically trained mentors in all areas of interest. Our goal is to help promote healing, wholeness, well-being, maturity and develop individuals as mentors to other women and young ladies as well. Multiplying life-giving mentors, to see change in our communities and world is our goal.

How cool would it be for all the ladies of the Houston area, Texas, the United States, the UNITE. That's power. We were created for so much more than what we have become. (Universally speaking) As a woman you are more powerful than you know and worth more than gold!

I look at my daughter and as beautiful as she is on the inside and out, I wonder... Have I or do I mentor her well? At times, I admit, I haven't. I have had times of "surviving" and not "thriving". Anyone else? As a woman we have so much on our plate. We juggle 50 plates at one time and try not to drop any. Impossible.... as we busy ourselves something will get dropped. Let that not be our daughters, son's or husbands. (At least in my case, all families look different)

Well, that's the most current thing happening in my life other than heading to Nashville to record a few cds, illustrating and publishing my children's books, finishing up this conference, painting and being a wife and mom. (Plates in the air) The key is to do only what God tells you to do and not worry about the rest. We all need that one.... DO NOT WORRY or be anxious about anything. Mathew 6:25-34 and Philippians 4:6! Just sayin......

Thanks for checking out my blog. Hopefully, you will come back and visit. I love seeing you here. Leave a comment or say hello and check out the website for more info. on this new program.

You are Loved.

Love Beyond Measure and Live Out Loud!




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