by: Sherri Weeks
April 19, 2024

Yes, you are reading this correctly. We are back, sort of! We have had a very busy last few years. I hope you have not written us off completely. Lots of challenges, changes and choices. God has been faithful through it all.
We all go through seasons in our lives... some winter seasons last longer than we would like but Spring and new life always appears! If you are in a winter season as I was... Hang in there! There is hope and the great thing is... God has never left your side and He is here to bring you to your breakthrough!
So, I will share a few pics and some short blurbs on what has been happening around here....
So, this is where you last saw me.... 400lbs of sadness covered in joy and love! (I know...oxymoron) In spite of it all, I still stepped out in faith, teaching singing, writing, doing art and loving on people as Jesus lead the way. "We have to be obedient to the call and do it afraid and in my case....overweight,,, dead man walking)

100 lbs down...

180lbs down!!

TODAY! Me and my honey!

We have increased our family and of course more grands!!! (All BEAUTIFUL girls) They are the best and have Poppi wrapped around their little fingers!

I have started a new job of 1 1/2yrs now... I am the Portfolio Lifestyle Manager with Inframark! I have the unique opportunity to build a new department, create a program that has never been done in the HOA Management Industry and create events for neighborhoods all while loving on every person I meet at those events!! It's the best life. They say if you love what you do then you will never work a day in your life! It is so true... [whoever THEY are!] God has allowed me to wear many different hats that have all added to create this moment in time.
There are days that have been challenging (growth is not all roses and skittles, ya'll! Just sayin...) Although, I can say... I am challenged in new ways all the time and it stretches me to learn, grow, add value to our team and believe in myself within a corporate setting. I love it and the people I get to work alongside!! They are God given and a true testament of God's goodness to me. What a joy to serve in this role and in the lives of so many residents around Houston!
Well, that's the skinny of it. I am writing a new book, not sure when it will be ready to go but it will be called... "Truly Naked, a journey of self-discovery". Stay tuned....
Know that you are loved and valued right where you are in life!! Through the highs and the never walk alone.
Until my next quiet moment....
Live Out Loud and Love Beyond Measure! You rock!