The 411 about Sherri and the Ministry Team...
"The Women Of Worth conference is what the women of this world need. She can sing and teach like no other. This is a must attend for anyone! Sherri truly loves these ladies and will bless your heart. Sherri is an incredible artist. She's amazing. Every brush stroke draws me in. Every painting brings depth and moves me! I am thankful to own one of her first paintings. I look forward to seeing God use her more. Love this lady!"
Sherry T., Business Executive & Minister
Pearland, TX
"Sherri did an awesome job! More people need to come to this conference! Life changing! You can tell Sherri & the team truly loves you from the moment you arrive."
Women Of Worth Conference
"What a great weekend and fantastic conference! I am still riding the high 3 weeks later."
Norma, Women Of Worth
​ Katy, TX
"Sherri is an amazing speaker! This is just what I needed."
Kim, Women Of Worth
Cypress, TX
"I was blown away! Sherri is so talented and I loved sitting at her feet learning and soaking it all in! She is a born leader and I left transformed, inspired and ready to conquer the world! Everyone needs to come to the Women Of Worth Conference!"
Kathy B., Counselor & Worship Leader
Sugarland, TX
"Diagnosed with Thyroid cancer and my life in disarray, Sherri spoke as if God was right next to me. She has such a soothing way about her that puts everyone at ease. God has healed me of cancer and I share my story with others on how God spoke through Sherri in my time of need. She has a gift and uses Gods word and spirit to minister to all she meets. Sherri is a blessing to the body of Christ."
Kimber R., Grapevine, TX
Fellowship Church-Pastor Ed Young Jr.
"Sherri is a dynamic speaker! Her true calling has been found. She touches the deepest part of your heart and points you back to Christ at every turn. I have never laughed so hard at some of her stories. She is funny and the real deal!" "I love her. You will not be disappointed."
Dorothy T.
"Sherri, you have such beautiful art and such a loving spirit, and you seem to be living your life to empower and encourage others. Thanks for that."
Dallas, TX
"Sherri truly has a gift. I loved hearing how she became an artist at the age of 46. She has inspired my to paint again and ignited my passion for art. Thank you Sherri for being so transparent and open to what God has for all of us! We love you!"
Retreat Attendee, Bear Creek UMC
Houston, TX
"Wow, Sherri is awesome! She doesn't pull any punches. She shares the truth in a way that is loving and it inspires people to make changes in their lives. Her stories were hysterical and she was so down to earth and real. Thank you for allowing God to use you to reach deep into my heart and let healing begin! We all love you."
Retreat Attendee
"Great study book! Truly touched by the authors heart and funny humor. Sherri is the real deal and will show you truth and what grace truly is all about. This is a MUST READ for all. Let's change our world for the better!"