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Coming Soon: 2019 schedule
#Women Forum,#Christian Women,#Women,#Sherri Weeks, #Christian Speaker, #Women Of Worth, #Womens Retreat, #Transformational Speaker, #Life Coach, #360 Living, #Christian Artist, #Christian Author, #Christian Books, #Christian Music, #Worship

Find Freedom, Joy and Destiny in this fulfilling

two day conference!

A 3 Day Conference for all women

(all denominations, races and ages. Women connecting as women and with God is our goal)

      Join us as we discover new friendships, who we are in Christ, healing, hope, joy, laughter, music and of course food

    and fun! We also will have special guests in our Gab Session, a "no holds barred" session, ask what you want and get

             REAL answers for REAL life!  We also have 4 speakers for a variety of learning and growing opportunities!



·        Who Are You and What Are you Worth?

·        A Life of Grace: The Real World

·        Joy in the Journey: Your Destiny

·        A Walk of Faith: From Healing To Wholeness

·       Unleashed & On Fire: Living Out Loud

·       Relationships

·       Addictions

·       What now? Grey Hairs Matter!

·       Generational Women

·       Becoming a Woman of Prayer


 *Conference Registration includes:  Snacks, Goody Box, conference booklet, gab session, speakers, giveaways,

                                                                                                                 fun and shopping.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           No Childcare Available

Women Of Worth Conference

next Conference (TBD)
Cost: $150 (EARLY Online Registration)   *DISCOUNT REGISTRATION will end three weeks prior to the event
$200.00 (Registration at Door and online after deadline)
$50.00 (Per Session if Paid Separately.) Attending 1-2 Sessions? Please PAY at the door.

*If you would like to DONATE Please go to our Contact Us Page! Thank you.



"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."  John 8:32

Conference speakers & Leaders 
Featured Speaker:

Sherri Weeks  
Transformational Christian  Speaker  & Certified Life Coach

Register and Purchase tickets Here

Upcoming Events

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