February 1, 2016

My dear friend Shannon Perry has a song on her new cd "In Her Shoes" that's called When the Crazy Kicks In. I just wanted to share some of the lyrics with you...
Here I go, tip toe to the kitchen and don't you know...crash there goes the coffee cup...
My only chance to be still and listen...please don't let the kids wake up.
A little time with you the only way to get me through the day.
Come meet me in this moment before it all gets going...these plates starts to spin, the crazy kicks in. A circus of distraction is just about to happen but I'll be ready when the crazy kicks in.
Expectations, roles to play, temptaion.....
I have learned these lessons the hard way....
You've got me where you want me even through the highs and lows. You know me and hold me and show me that you'll never let me go!
Come meet me in this moment....
Ever been there? Have you already said...yes, everyday? We have all been in your shoes. You are not alone and God wants you to know that He has you where He wants you. Take a deep breath in and enjoy every moment that He gives you. Take time to sit in the quiet, spend time with God and be refreshed. (even if it's 10 minutes here and there)
The "crazies" will come but God's grace is sufficient! Try not to sweat the small stuff. If the house isn't perfect...it's ok! If the dishes haven't been done...it's ok! We have to let go and not worry about the little things. Soon everything will change. Time moves forward and things get better!
His joys are new every morning. Let this day be yours to take hold of and listen to God as He sings over you!
So, when your son decides that bologna belongs in the dvd player and peanut butter on the walls....(yes this really happend in the same day)...take that breathe and see life as a joy, the crazy as it is....crazy...and it too shall pass!
Praying for peace in the moments of everyday life!
You are Loved!
*Check out Shannon's cd on her website or book her for your next event: You will love her!
Live Out Loud!