I am pondering on TRUST today. As we wait to hear where our military son will be stationed next, I feel my heart beating hard inside the walls of my chest. (Wednesday cannot come soon enough) What could be and all the scary scenarios? The question is posed... Do I truly trust the Lord? My first response...well of course. I look again...the question is posed, Do I trust the Lord? I pause, giving way to Faith, it is made clear that as I pause, I hesitate in that trust. It is easy to trust and believe when things are easy and going our way. It gets a little harder during trials when there is no clear path through the turbulent waves. God quickly calms me and says that the waves are under His feet. He walks upon the water and calms the outer storm and the internal turmoil within. He speaks "I got this"!
My eyes begin leaking as I say "Are you sure"? I finally submit knowing that my Daddy can fix anything and He is my God, my Savior. He will guide and guard in every direction.
Are you in a place of complete trust with Him? Are you in a storm where you need the waves to calm? Are you in a place where you need to see a breakthrough? Stand on your foundation! Hold on to your peace! Keep your trust in the Lord and He will rescue you!
Psalm 107:29 He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves.
Proverbs 10:25 When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away, but the godly have a lasting foundation.
You are His and He will never leave you or forsake you! Hold on to His truth and trust that "He's got you"! You are deeply loved, stronger than you know and worth more than gold!
You rock!
Live Out Loud!
