February 11, 2016

Well, we did it our website is finally updated. It was a bit of a process with the store additions but it is here! We are so excited about what God is doing!
As I travel, I meet so many people that God has placed in new positions or moving into something new. I love it. We have to have movement in order to grow. If we remain stagnant we become lifeless. I have sat lifeless for too long and too many times throughout my life. I am ready for the movement of God!
Are you moving or are you in a stagnant place? Don't be confused by the stillness of God - to the stagnicity of the enemy. (Is that even a word....stagnicity? lol) Be proactive and move! God is going to launch you into HIS "new" this season. Will you let him?
That is my word for today.......MOVE! Just step out in faith and do it.
Until the next loud moment!
Live Out Loud-