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Prophetic Word

Sherri Weeks

June 19, 2020

Sherri Weeks

As the song “El Shaddai” by Amy Grant springs up in my spirit I here the Lord say….

El Shaddai: The word shaddai means “most powerful” or “Almighty.” So, when put together with El, the name means “God Almighty” or “God the Most Powerful.” It emphasizes God’s unmatchable power and strength.

In a time of “power struggle” there seems to be a spirit of unrest. Power struggling on it’s own and power of great darkness will never be able to defeat El Shaddai.

The struggle that you are going through now is not from God but powers trying to overtake you and cause you to fall and stay in a place of struggle.

God, El Shaddai is unmatchable and is coming with a new and fresh wind to take over the struggle and bring you into a place of understanding, raise you to new levels of faith and pour out rivers of trust upon you and this world. His healing winds are coming!

In His unmatched strength and power He will defeat and devour the plans of the enemy and You will be victorious and change will begin immediately!

There are winds of change blowing from the Throne Room of Heaven on Your behalf. God is moving swiftly and powerfully in this new season and will use the distractions and struggles from the enemy to launch and propel you into a brighter future! He has said that with this change, comes freedom and prosperity on new levels and on ALL FRONTS!! We must be ready to receive it!

We must let go of our own internal struggles with identity, faith and fear. Laying them down and picking up buckets of living water. Drinking from His fountain of life, truth and love. He is the way, truth and the life and the only way to find freedom, happiness and true love.

We must focus on the love giver and not the negative that surrounds us. We must not give in to fear and hate but delight in love and love all others as Christ has loved us!!

There is ONE God, ONE human race and ONE way….Love is that way!

Love is the Currency of Heaven! May we be rich in this currency!

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