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Our True Size

Sherri Weeks

Updated: Jun 23, 2020

October 13, 2014

As I look out at the vastness of my environment I become acutely aware of how very small I am. There comes a time in everyone's life when we realize that we are not as important or a big as we thought we were. I have always tried to keep the perspective of my existence in check and walk humbly in the knowledge that I am not above anyone else. But I also have noticed with myself and many others that we can take this position to the extreme. Of course, there is a balance in everything. I never want to be a door mat nor do I want to be the spoiled child having to have his way all the time. Where and how do we find this balance? First, we look outward and not inward!

We seek and we walk. Sounds simple enough. So many times we miss it - just as we walk down the street not noticing the small rose buds beginning to bloom or the fragrant air that sweeps by you in passing. What about the fresh mowed grass that when you take off your shoes it feels a bit like heaven. Or...that neighbor that is struggling to get groceries out of the car in the pouring rain while we run to take cover. The latch key kid on the corner who sits on the curb for an hour everyday waiting for someone, anyone to reach out. I never want these moments to pass me by. As we seek Him, we will find Him...maybe even in those passing, sweet, reaching out moments. That's the walk!

Are you seeking, are you walking....or just running by in a blurr? In these small moments may you find that as you are shrinking your heart is enlarging.

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Live Out Loud!

Until the Next Loud Moment- Sherri



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