December 17, 2015

Well, there's no snow on our rooftops but winter is here and lights are shining bright! We always look forward to our childrens faces as they wake up early Christmas day. This year we only have one left at home. (Peyton, our senior) Our son, Cole, will be flying home to join us next week. I am so excited about seeing him. It has only been 5 months since he moved out but it seems like eternity. My son, Ryan will not be home for Christmas. He will celebrate the holidays on a nuclear aircraft carrier. I imagine it is very hard for our military not to be with family on Christmas. I know it's hard on us.
Thankfully, we get to enjoy our "daughter-in-love" while he is away. God has a great sense of humor...He gave my son a wife with the exact same sense of humor and wit as his mother! His life will never be boring and we are all forever blessed to have her in our family.
My mom is doing better. It will be one year since surgery this Feb. She is writing a walking a little bit better everyday. God is faithful!
Jeff is the better part of me for sure! He keeps me grounded and stable! :) He is a blessing. (28 years this year...that's so wild)
As I think about what Christmas means, I am reminded of Christmas past. Giving to all we meet, feeding the homeless, reaching out to those who did not have family etc.... We did all of these things along the way as the kids were growing up. Let's remember that Christ humbled himself to become a baby, to die on the cross just for us! I pray these lessons and traditions have been instilled into our children so that one day their family will do the same.
Live a selfless life! Give without complaint and love beyond measure! This is my Christmas wish for you all.
Merry Christmas and much love!
Live Out Loud,