My Sister,
I wanted to write and remind you of how much you are valued and loved. I know there have been times when I have let my life pull me away from our relationship. Please forgive me for not showing up when you needed me and for abandoning you when you cried out for help. Those dark days of depression and loneliness must have been brutal. I know because I have been there. Forgive me for not having your back and for letting you down. In todays world it is easy to put myself first. I have forgotten how to nurture my relationships. Forgive me when you were overlooked and undervalued. Bruised and broken myself, I have come to realize, I cannot give from my empty cup and own brokenness. Please forgive me for my lack of compassion. I take full responsibility for my part. I choose healing and wholeness as I move forward and I promise today to never take you for granted. I appreciate all the times you have sacrificed and supported me and those around you. You were there when the world was silent. Thank you for the times you have given without reward or thought of yourself. Thank you for showing up and giving unconditionally and putting others before you.
You are amazing and beautiful! You are faithful, giving and cherished. The world is a better place because you are in it! I honor you today as my sister. No matter age, race, religion, size or geographical location…I stand with you! Where there is love there is no room for gossiping, backbiting, hating or jealousy. We as women must stand together, support one another and love each other unconditionally. No more pieces, only peace and unity!
You are deeply loved,
Your Sister Forever
(Sherri Weeks 1-2019)
