September 26, 2016

I know it's been a while since my last blog so I thought it was time to bring everyone up to speed. Life has been a bit hectic around here. Three dogs, two adult children and running your own business will keep you busy! There are times it sounds like a dog pound around here.
My goal this year was to focus on my music and photography. Well, it's almost October and I am finally getting started on my goals.
Have you ever set a goal and had good intentions to accomplish them in a certain time frame? How well did you do? Most of us try and come up short but God wants us to know that it is never too late. Do not give up and if you fall, get right back up! I know, easier said then done at times. There is no condemnation in Christ! He does not condemn you for falling short. He wants you to succeed and wants the best for you! He's a great dad!
My other goal this year was to have my second book published. Due to unforeseen circumstances that has not happened but God is good all the time. He has brought a Literary Agent to me and we are working on this publication. There may also be an opportunity for "Grace on Fire" to be used as a required study for a Christian group that travels the world every year! It would mean 100s of young adults will find help, healing and grace as they study the Word along with this study guide. I am praying for favor!
I am also writing a new women's retreat. I am praying for doors to be open and God to use this to help many women! So many new things.....
I hope you are moving forward toward your goals and that you always remember how much you are loved.
Living Out Loud!