September 17, 2015

Ok, am I the only one? I know there's more than what I am seeing in the here and now as I am tested in this area of grace. I must confess, I am failing at times.
Thankfully, I know who holds tomorrow and that my feelings do not always line up with my joy inside but it does eventually come in line. I have a saving grace thrusting me into the new and at the very core of my being I will serve God with all my heart no matter the circumstance or trials.
I just feel like that stubborn mule that sits down while it's master pulls and tugs on it's reigns and it never moves. I can be set on not moving.... how about you?
Are you willing to move forward when God says move? Are your circumstances keeping you in a holding pattern? I have been in that pattern for almost a year and it is totally out of my control. God is saying it's time to move. Get up and dont let the circumstance (s) hold you down or back any longer.
The pitty party is over....Let's go. I have plans for you and I want you to be a part of it.
Now, how can you say no to God? I don't plan on it. Let's move together and see the great things that He has for us. Love ya much!
Thanks for stopping by....
Live Out Loud!