January 11, 2017

Happy New Year! A new year brings new things and as I look ahead I look hopefully, seeing what God sees ahead of me. As I prayed yesterday, I felt led to share this with you:
2017 will be a year of buoyancy. (Supernatural Buoyancy!) In the past the things that have tried to bring us down and drown us or hold us back will not be able to do so! We will rise to the surface and not sink. This is also a LEAP YEAR! Not in the normal sense of the word but a year of VICTORIES - we will leap over the obstacles that have stood in our way. In the past we have tried to go through, around or push them aside with no avail. This is your year to LEAP! Whether it is conquering your fears, doubts, insecurities, hurts, enemies etc.... you will have a supernatural strength to CONQUER and move forward past it all!
You are no longer a victim but a VICTOR! Move forward keeping your eyes ahead and not behind - for your future and destiny await!! Find your voice and ROAR!
Be on the lookout for my new study book: Grace on Fire! Coming soon!
You are loved!
Live Out Loud-