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Sherri Weeks

Updated: Jun 23, 2020

I know it's been a while since I have posted. Life can get a bit crazy!

So, I was thinking about how we use our GPS in our cars to guide us where we need to go but it does not guide me in the direction God wants me to go. We need God's Placement System!

Are you going in His direction? Sometimes, I think I am but other times I think I have zagged right off the edge of a cliff. Ever been there?

How can I go from being on the right path, feeling good about where I am headed then, right back to feeling down in the dumps or thinking that I am horrible because I have lost focus or have been derailed off the path once again etc...

We all have those ups and downs but I have realized that I have to keep my GPS (God's Placement System) on at all times!! I need His direction, His appointments and I need to TRUST the process.

You can not have the promise without the process!!

TD Jakes says PMS is our Pressure Management System! (That's so good)

What are you doing in this season of your life to grow and make changes?

Call to Action: Write down what you want, your goals for this year and see how they line up with your values. When they line up there will be less inner conflict. Hear your call and position yourself in a position for God to position you!

You are loved!

Living Out Loud,




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